

happy womanShort for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR is a therapeutic method that can help alleviate post traumatic stress symptoms, anxiety, cravings and other destructive urges. It is believed that EMDR works by effecting information processing centers in the brain and correcting maladaptively stored information. Research has shown it to be effective with a variety of symptoms including alleviating traumatic or disturbing material and the way it is processed. EMDR consists of using therapeutic techniques in conjunction with bilateral stimulation (see more about this below or on the emdria website) to help people relieve distress, clear traumatic experiences and otherwise heal and change their lives for the better.

Some areas of focus or symptoms that EMDR can effectively treat include:

  • Panic attacks
  • Complicated grief
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Disturbing memories
  • Phobias
  • Pain disorders
  • Performance anxiety
  • Stress reduction
  • Addictions
  • Sexual and/or Physical abuse
  • Body Dysmorphic disorders
  • Personality disorders

To learn more about EMDR please visit the EMDR International Association website at www.emdria.org. Click on “Research” and then “How does it work” link for a thorough and accurate explanation and some frequently asked questions. Their site does an excellent job of explaining what EMDR is and how it works. If you would like to discuss EMDR or find out if it would be an appropriate option for you please call or contact Alice now.